Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Close of Service Survey 2008

Name : Jerry
Aka : White Jerry, Dolce Hombre, Big Time, Mista Jeffery, Sir

Site : Lucky Strike Village (smallest 4H site)

Program /Project : Youth Development, 4-H. Started two youth clubs in the village doing community service, tutoring, and sports. Collaborated with 4H staff and PCVs to create national week long environmental camp on Caye Caulker; Paticipated in national 4-H at 50 events- a couple of leadership workshops, 2 youth presenters at poetry contest, placed 2nd and 3rd in football marathon, and were champions of the national 4-H Olympics. Club earned 1,400 service hours in 20 months

Secondary project(s) : founding Belize Swim Club, reading reinforcement, coaching Bball, Red Cross disaster relief, random stuff in village

Least useful thing brought to country : shortwave radio

Most useful thing brought to country : limited expectations

Something I'd like to forget : getting teefed on every vacation in CA

Something I wish I'd done :

Creatures I've found in my house : something about Mike T's beard, and scorpions and skeeters. And a 4ft frog snake

Belizean phrase I use most often : Alright! or aahumm or hmmpt!

Tropical diseases and ailments : Poison wood rashes, dehydration bouts, minor bladder issue and that's it! Booo yaah!

Favorite Belizean food : Escabache

What is something you will never eat again? : Pig tail

First thing you will eat when stateside : something over priced in a caffeine stricken and panicked airport

First day/night will include.......... : Introducing the Scottish bird to Indiana

Favorite place in Belize : My house

Countries I plan to visit in the next 5 years : Scotland, some of Asia, Middle East

Other countries I've visited while in PC : Guate, Mayheeco, Nica, Onduras

Number of times I returned to the states during PC : 2

What I will miss most in 6 months : bike rides through village and getting a friendly "Mista Jerry!," hails from everyone

What I will NOT miss in 6 months : surveys

Job before PC : Jr. consultant with the World Food Program

My dream post-PC job : Hmmpt I'm torn

Likely post-PC job : teaching English in Korea

State/country I'm moving to after PC : Korea

Most important lesson learned in PC : Baking soda can cure; AIDS, and cancer, if you keep it in your pocket

Things I did to stay sane : Sat/laid in my house and did nothing

Something I still don't understand about PC or Belize : Why some Belizeans don't believe in dinosaurs, "The Great American Joke."

One thing (or more) that you will not be bringing back to the states and why : Children or STIs. Cause I was smart.

Advice to new PCVs : 1) If you would like to gain experience to attempt a certain craft (i.e., teach, gardening, business org) spend at least two or three days in a site with a volunteer who is an expert. Your community should be understanding if you can sell it to them. 2) Sell it, sell it, sell it and follow up. 3) As Greg (PCV) once said, "never pass up a romantic opportunity." Too, fight involuntary celibacy with an open mind, confidence, moderate aggressiveness and be 'fraid not of failure

The moment I felt part of my community : When I toted a wheelbarrow on my bike and I shouted "I'm Belizean, now!," as I made my way through the village past excited and laughing on lookers including Black Jerry who was seductively dousing himself with water from a garden hose.

The thing I did here that I am most proud of : That 4-H enviro. camp on Caye Caulker was pretty cool (twice) / being here closer to 2 years than 2 days

What is something you will always remember about your PCV experience? : My late host mother

Quote that represents you/your philosophy/ or what you think life is all about : Balance is the key to most everything. OR "Mista Jerry, you need to suck your bottom lip, grab a stick, and WHOP these pikni!" – Cameron, 8, during a frustrating morning with our 4-H club while working on our trails


Margot said...

Huh? It's been 2 years already? It feels like you just got started!
It has been so wonderful to read silently behind you, as you've gone through your PC service.
I'll be in (WFP) Nicaragua next week. Let me know if you're struck by a strong desire for a short visit!
Hope you're well,

Margot said...

...oh, and just as an FYI, i would *totally* eat green oranges.