Monday, March 9, 2009

Horses for Arrows

Another bike ride, more surprises.

After a return trip to Ochang-proper, or the old Ochang that looks a bit worn and neglected compared to the modern and developed ‘new’ Ochang, I stumbled upon a small horse riding operation that Kirsty and magically found on a similar bike ride a couple of months prior. (We were somewhat lost. Well, maybe not lost but on an unplanned route which was kind of the plan anyway so never mind). I had wanted to get back to this stable to score some riding time for her birthday. (Nope. I have no idea why I typed birthday. Its to finish the last of her Christmas presents. Yeah Christmas in March!) All I wanted was to inquire about prices, pay, and set up a time to ride for Kirsty and possibly myself. I was at least successful in setting up, nothing.

I got the prices and I think a good deal but I asked if I could pay and get a receipt to show Kirsty that I was for real but the very friendly middle aged male assistant helping me was not interested. After some debate with two teenage females, possibly his daughters he said, “Ehhh pay or next time, no problem.” I had my wallet out and looking for the cash when another question came about which led to us going outside for whatever reason and I never ended up paying which I think was the wordless gesture for, “Why make things difficult? Just pay when you return, ass.”

I said outside because at the time of solicitation of all the riding products offered we were sitting on the heated floor of what presumably was someone’s office that housed a monitor for their security camera, computer, table for dining, one chair, and a desk. (Security from what? This place is in the middle of nowhere. Most Koreans don’t know where Ochang is and this place is even outside of Metro Ochang and in the country). I believe the whole purpose was to make use of his electronic dictionary that was brought out but never used so being in this small office/security room was pointless though I very much appreciated the under-floor heating on my bum.

I also appreciated the strikingly beautiful woman, somewhere in her 30s, who was also standing in the office while me and the assistant hashed out my request sitting on the floor. She didn’t speak one word of English during the duration. Naturally, I presumed that she was the assistance’s wife. This was not true as I pointed to her as I left and said, “Wife?” He replied, “No, eh visitor.” So then, why was this random visitor in the office in the first place?
After we got my unreserved and unpaid one hour horse riding finalized the friendly assistant showed me the archery practice range that was a whole 5 feet wide complete with one target and proceeded with an impromptu archery lesson showing me the difference between the Korean form and the American. I went one for two in hitting the target from point blank range, thanked the man and left.


Find horse riding place
Reserve a ride and pay
Time - 5 minutes max

Find horse riding place. Check!
No reserved ride, unpaid. No check.
Archery lesson. Check!
Time – 30 minutes. No check